
19 November 2003

I’ve been busy, basically. Applying for jobs, waiting to hear about said jobs, doing some covering work in the meantime to fill my coffers; that sort of thing. And it’s all quite tiring, getting back into the swing of half seven starts again, but I’ve got something approaching regular income now, and that leads to trips to Cambridge and Glasgow, and to buying an Xbox (and thus spending many a minute snowboarding and shooting Covenant scum), as well as being immersed in The Corrections, and going back to some studio work and…

it’s not quite all go, but there’s just been enough happening to stop me being able to blog, mainly because I don’t feel right blogging from work in the slightest, and my headspace has needed clearing. So this has been on pause. A new Omnivore from Luke went up yesterday, and very fine it is to.

I’ll hopefully find stuff to write about, or time to write it, soon. As it is, infovore sits here, begging for content, and I want to give it content… but I just can’t. I’m a bad father, really.

1 comment on this entry.

  • Mike | 20 Nov 2003

    ooo Xbox. Get Splinter Cell!