• Lovely article about Mahjong and its role within one family, and one man's life. Really good games writing. (Also, god, I miss playing Mahjong. I never got quite good enough, and still really want a set… and the the friends necessary to go with it).

Beautiful live performance from Marcus Fischer, captured by Datachoir (whose other videos I must clearly check out). I particularly enjoyed the way the pinecone bed anchors the piece, and the drone ebows on the miniature zither. Gorgeous; a style and manner I aspire to, but that’s clearly emerged from a lot of careful practice and listening.

  • "Once the pro­gram­ming went wonky on me and Tri­co re­fused to jump up to that first wa­ter­fall for a sol­id half hour. But I sus­pect that any soft­ware suf­fi­cient­ly ad­vanced to do what Tri­co does at some point be­comes in­dis­tin­guish­able from a cat." Tim Bray on The Last Guardian