Still progressing…

29 August 2003

OK, so I pointed out in the last post that I’m now “back” as it were, both in this country, and on the net, etc. But there’s a bit of change afoot; for the next month, I’ll be doing work experience in London, which should be excellent – a whole month in the same department, to get to know the people there and acheive some consistency in what I’m doing. I’m also looking forward to city life, and being near to the art, films, and theatre that excites me so much. And also the people I know there, the friends, and the acquaintances. And finally, it’s a chance to see if I can actually cope with living in the city, which is where I want to settle for a while. A trial run, if you like. Looking forward to it immensely.

(And in between the stop and the start – a week of rest and recharge, with some gloriously silly films (T3, Pirates of the Carribean), and incredible dinner courtesy of The Rowans, and delightful, loving company. Which was just what I needed, even if it was a little brief).

1 comment on this entry.

  • teatotaltomtilley | 8 Sep 2003

    really really very impressed by the site, like it a lot.